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Old 04-15-2020, 12:00 AM   #5
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canes21's Arena
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Re: Huge Problem: Too many homeruns and too little Doubles

Originally Posted by jeffy777
Turning down Fielder Run Speed/Raction makes all the difference in increasing the amount of doubles, as it always has in the past with this game (Armor knows what’s up). Sadly it’s not an option in DD, but it’s a requirement in Franchise unless you want the fielders to track down just about everything under the sun.
This is a good solution. 20 is my first game since 17 and I remember I. 17 I had fielder speed and reaction at 0 or 1. I've got both at 1 for my 20 sliders along with havi g lowered arm strength for both IF and OF. The default game has always had the fielders react too quickly and able to get to balls down the line or in the gaps too easily resulting in singles or outs where it would have been an XBH in real life.
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