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Old 04-26-2020, 08:03 PM   #44
OVR: 5
Join Date: Mar 2009
Re: Why should I use dynamic difficulty?

Originally Posted by Unlucky 13
You can change the difficulty in really any part of the game that you're in. From easy on up, and dynamic is in there with the rest. You can also change how frequently the difficulty goes up or down within the sliders.

I like to play on Veteran+, so I get it to that point, and then turn the slider all the way down to zero once I'm there.
I checked and see where the Updates section says when I hit a new level it will update me (instead of before each game). But the only thing I see in the game (Offline franchise) is the XP points after each inning. I do see different levels when I go to the accomplishment page. I'm going to check the sliders next. Thanks.
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