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Old 09-20-2020, 12:55 AM   #25
Former EA Sports UFC Gameplay Developer
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Re: How was yukes able to please both hardcores and casuals but only casuals matter i

Originally Posted by TheUFCVeteran
I've learned from UFC 3 and 4. Clearly EA's design decisions don't cater to me, and while I wish they would at least give us options, it is what it is. I just wish we had an alternative which was more sim based.
One of my fondest memories of UFC 3 launch was listening to you on stream gushing about how much you loved the changes to UFC 3 during the beta.

I think it's unfair to say that we haven't at least catered to your wishes at least a little bit over the course of those two games.

If you want to be 100% the target that's probably never going to happen.

But to say you got nothing out of UFC 3 is very dishonest. I heard it from your own mouth.
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