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Old 04-19-2021, 05:32 PM   #86
deamon93's Arena
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Join Date: Mar 2020
Re: No Import rosters at all this year get ready to start from scratch

Originally Posted by spelky1
People getting excited about Diamond Dynasty every year are an absolute embarrassment to baseball video games. Like there is no appeal. Even the Moments feature is lame, considering they dont ever use rosters approrpiate for the time period. They literally just throw a legend into a modern day environment and call it a "moment"

Its extremely lame. Twitter is nothing but people freaking out about what they pulled, as if the player card and not the user is why they suck or dont suck online. Recreating historic rosters, stadiums, seasons and environments on next gen graphics could literally be a free feature, they could literally sell the game for $90 every year, and I would buy it.

i don't play DD. but i think it's pretty arrogant, selfish and dumb to say "People getting excited about Diamond Dynasty every year are an absolute embarrassment to baseball video games". I get it, we all dont like the focus the have on DD compared to franchise. but i think the only embarrassment is to tell people how they have to play their video games and how they want to fun is dumb and "there is no appeal". Well, obviously there is.

i hope i understood your statement wrong.
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