05-12-2021, 04:04 PM
OVR: 4
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Central Virginia
Re: I don’t want Dynamic to start on Beginner!
The best thing to do if you want it at a certain level is to play a non-franchise game and bump the sensitivity in the slider all the way to max. As you play that game, it will rapidly move up (or down) depending on how you do, and then when you have it where you want it, change the slider all the way to zero and it will stay there. Or else, change it to where you want it to be for your preferred sensitivity level.
I typically play on Veteran+, and for some reason, the game changed my slider away from zero to default, and I was getting my rear end handed to me on All Star for a few games, so I played an exhibition game and just stuck out on purpose for a few innings and it got it back down to where I needed it to be, lol.
Anyone who claims to be a fan of two teams in the same pro sport is actually a fan of none.