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Old 06-21-2021, 03:31 PM   #12
kinsmen7's Arena
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Join Date: Mar 2016
Re: After playing through a complete season of MLB '21, The Show/SDS delivers once ag

Originally Posted by Bgrd1080
Playing on PS5 and I am in May of 2022 with the Twins. Playing 1 game from every series. This is the furthest I have gotten into a franchise with MLB since 2017. Idk if its the PS5 or the game itself but it is so smooth and the new animations and mechanics make it feel like a new game and a lot less robotic if that makes sense. The trade logic still leaves a lot to be desired, TB refuses to keep Wander Franco.... But that's my only real gripe. I am enjoying the game a lot this year. The fielding and pitching changes alone are enough to warrant my purchase. Well done SDS.
The Wander thing kept happening in my 20 until I moved a couple of their other SS's...My understanding is that it's just the (poor) CPU AI trying to balance rosters. Atlanta was doing the same thing with Waters because they had an overabundance of CF's. A number of other teams with deep prospect pools at certain positions seem to do it as well, unfortunately. Unfortunate to hear that it still happens in 21, but I suppose it makes a weird sort of sense given that the game is likely only tested with default rosters.
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