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Old 06-25-2021, 12:36 PM   #7
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Re: Madden NFL 22 Franchise Mode Gridiron Notes

Originally Posted by mestevo
A lot to look forward to digging into this year.

Something about the staff stuff still feels like a placeholder to me, probably from my hope that the feature will be replaced by something bigger in 23 when they're also shipping a college game.
It's hard for me to not think this isn't a feature for both games. I see no way CFB doesn't have a carousel return and I see no way that if that is the case that Madden doesn't get the carousel as well.

It looks like a feature that was built with the future in mind with how modular they've said it is. Being modular allows them to adjust it for each game and see additions onto it more easily.

I'll be very shocked if CFB doesn't have this system with a carousel and if Madden also doesn't get the carousel as well.

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