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Old 06-25-2021, 06:35 PM   #5
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canes21's Arena
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Re: What can Madden 22's focus on franchise mean for EA College Football?

Originally Posted by NBA2kMyGM
I hope the franchise takes more of a "repeat the NCAA 14 model" than "port the Madden model."

NCAA has just always been a superior game.
I've seen similar remarks around this forum and reddit and I don't understand where it is coming from. NCAA 14 had a very shallow dynasty mode, one that this site blasted the EA dev team for not improving much up til 14.

We had to beg for neutral site games and finally got them. We had to beg for a coaching carousel and got a barebones one that doesn't work the best.

There were no medical redshirts. There was no type of practice mechanic be it mini games or drills that one could play. The discipline side of the game was removed. Recruiting was streamlined and simplified way too much from 13 and prior.

You literally played your games week to week, did the streamlined recruiting, and that was literally all you did each week. There was nothing else the game had.

I get that the nature of the quick roster turnover made for the mode to have a natural advantage of Madden that kept it fun and interesting. The atmosphere in each game was fun as was the traditions and locations you saw, but the actual dynasty mode feature set was severely lacking and Madden has had more depth in its franchise mode for some years now than what NCAA 14 ever had.
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