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Old 08-17-2021, 11:34 PM   #65
(aka Alberto)
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Re: Lack of penalties

Originally Posted by Playmakers
I've read most of the comments in this thread and what I'm confused with is when you load up the game and you look at Penalties it specifically states that penalty at default is based on NFL data.

So I'm not the smartest dude in the room but can someone remind me again if EA tells us that frequency of penalties at normal setting is based on real NFL data why is this an issue?

It doesn't say anything about the level, nothing about feedback from online players or anything about animations triggering the Data.

It makes it plain and simple that Penalty frequency is based on the Data they pull from the NFL.

I mean we can all speculate why there's no penalties but if your playing this game for the 1st time and the developer tells you leave the sliders at normal setting you would think the game would render the NFL average for penalties at some point right?
The average number of penalties is around 6 per game. I play with 15 minute quarters and I have never seen more than 4 and most of those are false starts. There were a little under 2 holding calls per game on average and I havent seen one called at all while playing 22.

So if EA is basing them on "NFL data", the data they have in the game is wrong. There is no way I shouldnt see one holding call in 8-10 games especially when I'm playing preseason games where backups (who tend to be more undisciplined).

Furthermore, EA confirmed on their forums that a portion of their fan base doesnt like penalties. They do the same thing with FIFA (which has struggled with fouls for decades) because that fan base doesnt like a ton of fouls.

Its obvious what they are doing. The bottom line is if you have sliders in the game....they should work. If I want damn near every play to be a penalty and i max out the sliders, let me do it. Why should the way I play be affected by how other players play the game? Especially when its offline.
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