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Old 09-30-2021, 01:06 AM   #2
jrnlgrn's Arena
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Re: eFootball 2022 Impressions (Out Now)

TL;DR - It's free, it's janky. It has potential as I definitely think there is something there to work with.

I played for about an hour and a half. Maybe my expectations had bottomed out so bad that this is about what I expected so I'm not gutted like a lot of people. I'm probably the only one that didn't completely hate it. My PES roots don't run as deep as a lot of people either. I wasn't there for the glory days when PES was the dominate name in the video game football world.
  • Initially the controls felt a bit off. After I approached it a bit more realistically it felt a bit better. Slow down, take the extra touch, make sure your face the right direction. Also sprinting is a skill now. You can actually "over"commit/sprint, which the recover from looks comically bad right now.
  • Does it look next gen... not at all and def looks nothing like that Messi teaser. Largely still looks like PES 21 in most respects. The lighting is a bit off especially during day games.
  • Collision detection was okay but the refs were non existent. Either they totally botched it or they nerfed them for this "demo" since you can only play 5 minutes.
  • The computer missed some absolute sitters. I never changed it off regular difficulty though so maybe that was it.
  • Tried an online game and the guy quit on me even though the score was 0-0. He seemed like he didn't switch to alternate controls though he was playing pretty poorly or maybe he just hated the game.
  • That new camera that's going to be an hard pass from me right now. It zooms in and out way to slowly. Initially it was cool to get up in the action but it's just not responsive enough.
  • Can't wait till that blue and yellow color scheme gets the boot. No way they keep that permanently.
  • This is 100% a demo, guess the called it the release to try and keep up with FIFA dropping officially.
  • There's really no sign that this has been in the works for 2 years. I think they underestimated how much work it would be moving to Unreal but that is also something that gives me hope. UR is probably a lot easier to tweak and refine than Fox and they are no longer tied to a yearly cycle.
  • This still feels more like football than what EA has just put out. It's janky but it's janky football at least.
  • It's free so that a positive.
  • If you play online there are 150 teams to choose from some licensed some not. You can still enjoy your Manchester Blue team lol.
  • The menus are slightly better but still weirdly setup.
  • I like the soundtrack. Their taste in music is all over the place like mine.
  • Like Royce I agree the tackling is a bit weird.
  • Luckily I didn't experience any of the weird animations like others
I'm def sticking with PES 21 on the PC for now as FIFA is a no go as well unless there's a deep discount. Overall I think there is some potential and given what Konami has done these past 3 or so months it's no telling what the update will bring. I can't even give it a grade right now I'd just mark it as in in progress/incomplete. I'll keep it installed a play games every now and then.
"Listen son, you only have enough runs when you’re showering after a win."

Last edited by jrnlgrn; 09-30-2021 at 01:33 AM.
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