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Old 10-10-2021, 05:53 PM   #9
northmen24's Arena
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Join Date: Oct 2006
Re: AlTito's NHL 22 Sliders

Originally Posted by Al_Tito13
I made other changes today, mostly to passing, checking and penalties sections. Passing and penalties are my focus right now. I'm still not fully satisfied with passing and I do a lot of testing.

However, I think that I found the reason why passing % is so high this year. It looks like they changed the way it's calculated. In years past, I'm pretty sure they were only counting clean passes as completed ones. This year, even bobbled passes are counting as completed, you have to entirely miss the player to get an incomplete pass.

I made a test where I put all CPU's passing sliders over the top, just to see what would happen. CPU's players were bobbling passes or getting pucks in their skates all over the ice and weren't able to complete a clean pass. After a few minutes, I paused the game and CPU's pass % was in the high 90s (I think 97 or something like that).

So, with the way passing % seems to be calculated this year and the fact that CPU players are still pretty accurate even with CPU's passing accuracy at 0, it sounds like it will be hard to make the pass % to come down. I saw times where, after a few minutes, the CPU were in the low 70s, but they always seem to finish the game in the 80s nevertheless. Passing % is only a number though, so if gameplay on the ice feels right, it's all good I guess.
I have had issues with high percentages too. Might just have to be a stat we ignore going forward if the game plays good.
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