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Old 11-10-2021, 12:44 PM   #30
Mattanite's Arena
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Re: M22 Scouting Tool

Originally Posted by bware322
The Kick Power column appears to be broken. The scout card lists kick power as Elite, Great, Good, etc. but the spreadsheet only allows for A,B,C values. I'm assuming that A corresponds with Elite and on down the line but is that correct or does this need fixed? TIA
Kick power has a formula in (Green background) that indexes the approx. KPW based on Pre Combine info. If you've accidentally overridden it paste this formula into the first row and extend it to the whole column so you don't have to re-paste stuff.

=IFERROR(IF(X4="ST",IFERROR(INDEX(Physical!$AB$3:$AB$8,MATCH(AJ4,Phys ical!$AA$3:$AA$8,0)),""),""),"")

Edit: Posting wants to add a space to second Physical in formula, delete this space when you paste.
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