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Old 11-16-2021, 01:07 PM   #49
OVR: 6
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Location: Grand Rapids, MI
Blog Entries: 10
Re: MyNBA Q&A and General Discussion Thread

I've been playing quite a bit of MyNBA Online and trying to understand more clearly how players develop.

I had a question regarding the boom/average/bust system in MyNBA. I'll use an example for clarity. Let's assume you draft a player named "Magic Jordan" and he has:
  • Bust: 25
  • Average: 25
  • Boom: 50

I'm assuming the game uses randomize function with those odds to determine whether Magic Jordan is assigned boom, average, or bust category. My question is: Does that boom/average/bust calculation occur once -or- does boom/average/bust calculation occur every time you reach progression?

I haven't been able to find any details on precisely how the mechanics of the feature work. Probably because MyNBA isn't very popular. The best I found was I've read the boom/bust section of a November 2020 article by Brian Mazique in Forbes and some YouTube videos testing simulations.

PSN: iTofutastic

Last edited by iTofu; 11-16-2021 at 06:49 PM. Reason: Grammar
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