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Old 03-12-2022, 01:11 PM   #4
babaracus88's Arena
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Join Date: Jul 2010
Re: Tuner Version - FIX THIS PLEASE

This is a perfect example of just how much the EA NHL Team doesn't give a sh*t about what we want they just want us to give them our money and get nothing in return. It is crazy that there is such a level of disconnect and disrespect toward us consumers. How easy should it be to offer the option of choosing what tuner update you want? We have been asking for this change for years so its not like they can even argue that they didn't know that we wanted it. they know they just don't give a sh*t. This is why as a community of offline players we should go one year and not buy the game and see if we can get Rammer fired. I know the argument is that they don't care about us but the shared holders do and even if the sales for hockey only dropped 25%, for a game that doesn't make alot of money apparently that should be enough of a hit to make someone upstairs look into what is going on. I'm sure rammer doesn't want to see that much of a drop either and maybe might listen to us a bit more. i don't know just a thought, eventually we need to stop complaining and do something as a community.

However i am happy that they finally gave us roster sharing and they are not happy about it, as you can tell by the fact that rather than make it possible across all platforms they made it severely nerfed by only making it sharing between only the exact game platform you have with others that have the same platform, how weak is that. That's giving us a gem but covering it with as much sh*t as they can cause they are not happy that they have to give it to us.

Last edited by babaracus88; 03-12-2022 at 01:18 PM.
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