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Old 03-13-2022, 10:34 PM   #8
All Star
TNKNGM's Arena
OVR: 14
Join Date: Mar 2005
Re: Tuner Version - FIX THIS PLEASE

Originally Posted by johnnydrum
Hello everyone.
Older, Off Line Player here (since the days of NHLPA 93 on the Mega Drive)

The problem is, the sheer lengths the user has to go through (the endless Editing/ Slider adjustments/ Roster updates/ navigating the bizarre user restrictions within the game) that by the time you have a "working game", the user has almost given up the Ghost....
After over coming the glitches, the bugs, the tuner that then added more bugs, the Roster updates without the Portraits, then without the play by play---its almost January before you can even "get going"

BUT even after all that, the game has bizarre traits, obscure AI, and almost feels unstable (players facing the wrong way, sticks going through boards, bad animations after goals)---and feels like it could just crash at any point....Then of course the creators comfound the problem with "the latest" Tuner or Patch , which then creates "new" game play anomilies, thus setting the User back to the drawing board---AGAIN
Its simply not enjoyable, and incredibley frustrating . It shouldnt be this difficult!

60 Games into my Off Line Season, and the settings which "PREVIOUSLY" worked, now seem to be more random then ever, have forced me (before the risk of divorce lol) to take a NHL22 break, and powered up my vintage copy of MLB THE SHOW 19.....and can not belive just how fluid, solid and superior the game is (even the outdated 19 version)--compared to the NHL 22....
The contrast , not just visually, but "under the hood" is startling.

That's why it's so important that they make the Tuner option work like it did a few years ago (it used to be this way) where you could select any of the previous tuners

So if you are using tuner 1.3 and tuner 1.4 is released....maybe you try to get tuner 1.4 working and it's just not quite right, you can then go back to tuner 1.3. Let's say it's two months and couple more tuners later and you're on tuner 1.6 which makes the game play like complete garbage for you....then you have the option of going back to 1.5, 1.4 or even back to 1.3 which you knew worked great two months ago

It's something that used to be in the game and should not be difficult for them put in....that solves the problem and your customer/consumer is much happier

It's absolutely ridiculous that we can only choose 1.00 (out of the box default) or LATEST. God forbid both 1.00 and whatever version LATEST is suck and you can't get the game to play even remotely close to what you're essentially stuck with no good option until the next tuner release which you have to pray to god works well
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