03-21-2022, 03:28 PM
Hall Of Fame
OVR: 41
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Tennessee
Re: MLB The Show 22 Marketing
I think marketing, or really community interaction, is down all across this industry. So many games these days simply don't have good communication between the devs, community managers, and the actual community which has led to confusion and frustration.
I think having their videos showing off changes is nice and is welcome. I do wish they had community managers around to answer questions regularly. Even the interview with the franchise dev and the YouTuber, emmitt or whatever, the dev didn't really give us anything concrete about the future. He constantly resorted to the "anything can change in an instance" line. I get it, they may not have every feature for the future outlined, but they should have a vision they can share with us and it often comes off like they don't.
Even when asked about MtO and Franchise mode. He touched on the foundational issues that Franchise mode has and MtO being built on a newer foundation. To me, I'd assume that means MtO will become Franchise mode and more in the future, but the answers to me didn't clear anything up about what the plans with both modes are.
If SDS communicated a bit better with us, which I think I marketing, then I think many frustrations would be quieted in the community. Myself, I'd instantly be okay if they came out and said franchise mode wouldn't be getting much besides logic changes for a few years as they build the new foundation in MtO from the ground up for the future. They have somewhat hinted at it, but we can't just assume it because that's a dangerous game to play.
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― Plato