04-18-2022, 04:34 PM
Hall Of Fame
OVR: 41
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Tennessee
What do you want from recruiting in the upcoming game?
The NCAA games always had a very basic recruiting system. That system got simpler as time went on and was incredibly casual and streamlined in NCAA 14.
I don't think I need to breakdown how recruiting was done in NCAA 14. Let's just say it was very basic, not interactive at all, and actually disappointing coming from NCAA 13 at the time, and it was nothing compared to what College Hoops 2k8 had done or what NCAA Basketball had done before it met its end.
My question is, what does the community want from the recruiting side of the game?
Does the average person want that streamlined system? Do they want something more similar to what the college basketball games had done which was more interactive?
Come in and talk about what you would realistically want to see from the recruiting side of the game in the upcoming release.
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