04-16-2023, 02:49 PM
OVR: 10
Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: Rock Hill, SC
Re: Mouse Swing - My #1 Request for EA PGA 23
Scagwi, I'm surprised there wasn't a mouse swing option in this game at launch. The Golf Club/PGA TOUR 2KXX has had one in it since launch, and from what I hear, it's pretty decent. I tried it a couple of times on the original Golf Club, but it wasn't fully refined and was hard for me to suss it out. I don't game at a desk anymore and my setup doesn't really afford me a way to comfortably use a mouse for gaming, so that alone has led me away from mouse gaming.
Anyway, I wanted to ask you this about mouse swings in this game; do you think the animation start lag - should it still be present with a mouse swing - would bother you much with a mouse? The lag is just killing me with the putting game in ESPT using the controller, even when I've backed the graphics down to allow 60 FPS. I feel like I'm spending the stick motion trying to get the animation to catch up with the stick... leading to a lot fast tempos and pushed putts.
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