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Old 06-21-2023, 10:44 PM   #43
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Join Date: Oct 2021
Re: Madden NFL 24 Gameplay Deep Dive Blog

Originally Posted by beau21
Have you played the beta? Not intending this as a shot, or to be rude, but I’m not sure how anyone would be able to say that after playing the game. It just looks and feels… better. Perfect? Not by any stretch. But based on what I’ve seen and felt in the beta so far, if someone comes out thinking it feels or looks the same, then I think it may be time to move on bc you may just have an issue with “Madden football”. Really feel like this could be the best Madden we’ve had in 5-6+ years.

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Not trying to take a shot at what you typed, or at you, but I swear this sounds familiar, and reads familiar like every year. It's like clockwork every year at this time.

"Looks and feels better", "Possibly one of the best Maddens of all times, or since whatever era", "If people can't see and feel the improvements, they just have a problem with Madden", etc.................

It's like watching a rerun of the same show, over and over again.
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