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Old 04-01-2024, 01:16 PM   #4
bronxbombers21325's Arena
OVR: 2
Join Date: Mar 2012
Re: When should we expect next roster update?

Originally Posted by stevewilly
Is there a preferred roster people use for the most realistic franchise mode?
I always use one of the rosters they release before they start messing with ratings. They tend to get a little out of hand once they start tinkering with them. I've seen a player have a really good, or really bad month and get 6 or 7 points added or subtracted to their overall rating. Given I do think some guys got shafted on their ratings this season to begin with. Carlos Rodon for example fell from a 93 to a 77 after one bad year where he was hurt during the few starts that he did make. But to sum it up it really just depends if you want to start a franchise with default ratings or not.
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