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Old 06-03-2024, 06:43 PM   #126
noarmsduck's Arena
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Join Date: Mar 2010
Re: Limits to Player Editing in EA Sports College Football 25 FAQ

Originally Posted by GoDucks1224

Matt Brown said on this radio show you won't be able to edit ratings inside Dynasty. 7 minute mark roughly. You guys aren't gonna like what he says, just FYI.
Appreciate the clip. Some of that doesn't make sense to me. Why allow created players, but disallow editing of generic recruits inside dynasty? Either option would let players create a guy like "March Spanning" so why is one in and not the other? It just so happens the one option (editing in a dynasty) is much more essential for playing a dynasty for many years.

I'm still taking this with a grain of salt and I'm going to wait until I get official info before I make a decision. I canceled my Xbox store preorder as I read somewhere that even though the site says you can do that 10 days before game release that sometimes Xbox cuts that off at 14 days from the date you give them the money. I figure it's a digital game so I can just order it again at any point anyways given the game ends up being what I want. Also saw a couple posts saying Matt Brown got a couple things wrong recently (they didn't specify or provide examples so take that with a grain of salt as well), plus he wasn't really giving a hard "this is the way this is in the game" but rather what he felt the game is likely to be based on what he knows.

It this holds up though it's bad news for me. I'll end up going back to NCAA 14 for longer than I originally planned, and hopefully Maximum Football has a significant improvement in on field gameplay and eventually the next EA game adds these editing options in.
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