M25 Classic Draft Class thread (1993-????)
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11-30-2024, 06:08 PM
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Join Date: Oct 2023
Re: M25 Classic Draft Class thread (1993-????)
Originally Posted by
For helmets I use the old Riddell and the Schutt (Advantage I think, it has the holes on top). Players wore both. Then for Kickers and Punters that need the single bar, the only option is the really old Riddell.
For shoulder pads I use a variety. Really just looking at the pads in the pictures and try to match it. There was actually much more variety in shoulder pads back in the 90s than there is today.
In terms of equipment, I really just try to match what players wore the best I can. For shoes I use the 70s-80s Nike a lot. Also the retro Jordans (both high and low top) The 80s Addidas and the Addidas Nasty.
Thanks. The helmets were my biggest question equipment wise. Didn't know if you used both older style helmets or not.
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