Thread: 2K/EA Truce?
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Old 02-01-2006, 09:19 AM   #36
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Re: 2K/EA Truce?

Originally Posted by murry
First and foremost, I do not put the full blame on EA; they are a business who's primary purpose is to "make money." My problem is with the NFL. The NFL knew of all of the competing football game companies, and made a business decision to sell the exclusive rights to EA for "the all mighy dollar." The NFL put business before morals. The NFL could have informed EA that they wanted their license to be shared by all NFL game companies, so that they could appeal to all of us that love the sport; despite what title you choose to play. Not only does it encourage more people to enjoy your sport, it also encourages companies to work hard at creating a good product that accurately represents the NFL (through competition). Competition is what the NFL is about. That is why we play and watch the games, and for the NFL to stifle competition by selling EA their exclusive rights, was nothing short of being a hypocrite. The NFL claims to be so image conscious, but there deal with EA tells people that good competion takes a back seat to power and money.

Although is was a good marketing strategy, TT made a bad business move by selling their games at $19.99. Unfortunately, EA took advantage of the situation and made a great business move and purchased the NFL license. TT can not come close to EA financially (see the cost of EA shares), thus the purchase of a five year license has financially crushed TT/VC; since 2K football was their best selling sports game. EA made another smart decision by creating a college baseball game to circumvent the lost that they would endure from not releasing a MLB game. EA circled the wagon and is holding all the good cards and has no reason to make a deal with anyone. Unfortunately, TT will not be able to survive a five year lay off and if they do, the game would be way behind Madden and would have to build the game and their fan base from scratch. TT/VC should create an alternate football league and create a game based on that, if they want to survive (sell it for $19.99); while they still have fan support.

EA is a billion dollar per year+ company with great business people, and with a welfare mentality when it comes to producing a good product. Unfortunately, TT is a million+(meaning millions) dollar per year company with mediocre business people, and a billion+ dollar product and tallent (VC).

Please prove me wrong.

2K for life

I never knew 2K football games out sold Madden so whats another 5 years. I don't see the problem with 2K releasing a generic football game at a lower price although after playing Madden on the 360 I would pay full price for a 2K football game. The $20 dollar price tag of 2K's ESPN games forced EA to buy all those football licenses. People weren't buying ESPN because they weren't going to buy another football game at $50. VC and TT knew this. They had to make it cheap enough that Madden fans would give it a try. It was working because Madden fans were starting to like ESPN 2K5. EA stop that by buying the NFL, AFL and NCAA football licenses. Also Take Two has a few very good franchises.
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