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5 ways to abuse NCAA web dynasties

Posted 06-09-2010 at 05:57 PM by boritter
Updated 06-09-2010 at 07:08 PM by boritter
EA just announced web dynasties for NCAA11. Now that we can schedule games, recruit, and view stats online, we need to determine the best way to abuse this innovation. A web-enabled phone will allow you to misuse web dynasties anywhere, anytime. Here are the top 5 ways to abuse web dynasties in NCAA11:

5. The office slacker: Recruit a dual-threat QB instead of filling out your bosses spreadsheet.

4. The bad son: Do you dread that weekly Sunday night call home? Not anymore, now that you can adjust your depth chart while "listening" to mom and dad ramble on...

3. The bad boyfriend: Sneak a peek at your phone to look at the Heisman standings when your woman makes you watch a boring chick flick.

2. The good boyfriend: Are you a bad listener? (If you are a man, nod your head and say yes). The next time your woman wants to vent on the phone tell her you are all ears. Then open your web dynasty and adjust your depth chart and formation subs.

1. The Costanza: Use your cell to set up your non-conference schedule while you "multi-task" in bed with your significant other. Spicy mustard is recommended.

How will you take advantage of this awesome addition to the NCAA franchise?
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NoDakHusker's Avatar
hahaha very nice.
Posted 06-09-2010 at 06:50 PM by NoDakHusker NoDakHusker is offline
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