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The Best and Most Addictive Sports Game Most of You Haven't Heard Of

Posted 11-29-2012 at 12:48 AM by jb12780
Updated 11-29-2012 at 12:50 AM by jb12780
When people talk about sports game of the year on this website, the contenders are usually The Show, 2k, and sometimes NHL and FIFA. However, there is one game in particular that only a few people on this website know about that doesn't require constant slider tweaking and roster updating. That game is Football Manager for the PC.

First off, it is a soccer game, which would turn some people off from the get-go. Second, and the most interesting part, is it is a simulation type game. You are the coach/manager, and can only control so much that goes on during the game. That is what makes so interesting. You will win games the you should theoretically lose, and vice versa.

FM is also known for having the deepest and realistic "Franchise" mode in sports video games? How can they do that? It is the only game mode they offer. Careers in FM essentially are unlimited, and one could play 50 seasons if they choose so. The online community is great with making the game even more realistic than it already is.

So this weekend if you are bored and looking to try a new game, download the demo (which is practically the full game), and check out the FM forum to see what all the rage is about and ask questions. But here is your warning: you may become addicted.This little blurb doesn't even come close to scratching the surface.
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