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11 months or 2 and a half years...which one is it?

Posted 08-04-2012 at 06:11 PM by kingeo19
Updated 08-31-2012 at 12:51 AM by kingeo19 (spacing)
I've shared these thoughts with a few others and would like to share them with the rest of the OS family. I'll keep it short and simple though this time.

It keeps being repeated throughout the forum threads that EA Sports has only had an 11 month cycle to work on THIS game but I beg to differ.

We've read about and heard this explained before but wait. Did you catch what was confirmed by Peter Moore in the second paragraph?
Moore confirmed that the team at Tiburon already has an early version of the next NBA title up and running.

It's utterly silly for anyone to take a wait and see approach to what EA Sports has to offer for simulation basketball this fall, winter, spring? They had an early version of the TITLE up and running 11 months ago but failed to impress anyone with credibility (HipHopGamer aka SHOTS FIRED!) at the industries biggest trade show in June. This was 9 months after confirming the TITLE was up and running. They then followed the trade show debacle up by failing to speak about the TITLE at an EA quarterly earnings report. Just when you thought things couldn't get worse, the TITLE is pulled from an in house, EA sponsored summer showcase event (announcement that the TITLE will be shown to select outlets followed a day later by announcing the TITLE will not be shown at all). What a joke.
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