Our adventures in EASHL (360 NHL11)

Will contain rants on annoying opponents, frustrating teammates and just general moodiness
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The journey begins

Posted 09-17-2010 at 10:40 AM by milesizdead
So, yesterday finally got my copy of NHL11, reason for being so late of course was the Euro release being on the 16th instead of 7th.

Iīve played a couple of HUT offline games and one game of OTP (which was a mess as per usual) and today I think weīll venture into the wonderful world of EASHL!

We used to be called Dynamo Chicken Kiev, but quickly realized that the name wasnīt so original after all, plenty of fantasy soccer teams were using that name way before we did, so it was time to find a team name we would all be comfy with.

Been re-watching a lot of old spaghetti westerns recently, partly because of RDR of course, partly because the Leone classics are just awesome!

But, unfortunately The Good, The Bad and The Ugly as a club name is too long, canīt fit it into the field...

So GBU it ainīt, which also took away the opportunity to use player names like Eastwood, Borgnine, Van Cleef etc...

Nevermind, we canīt all be tough guys

So eventually after countless emails and small arguments we ended up on Alter Egos, and variations of our real names as player names, hence Alter Egos.

So today weīll try and get enough people online for the beginning of our clubīs legacy

Rest assured weīll be struggling to reach .500, and whenever we start getting our act together, weīll go on a huge losing streak...
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