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Rooting for bad teams..

Posted 11-18-2008 at 10:31 AM by nyisles16
Man, I wish I could be a "front-runner" fan. You know those guys - the ones with the T-shirts and jackets on with the winning team logo on - yet if you ask them anything, they don't know squat about the team. No, I have to settle on rooting for some either outright dreadful teams, or one that has given me heartbreak the past few years.

Living in New York (or more precise -Long Island), I quickly picked up on being a Met fan from my grandfather. It also didn't help much that my father was a Yankee fan. So of course I had to be tormented with those many World Series titles and countless "we're better than you" taunts from the rest of my family. The past few years presented me with a chance of redemption - yet to see it fail miserably. In 2006, I was excited that the Mets could go all the way, only to see them fall to the Cardinals in Game 7 of the NLCS. And please don't get me started on the last two years - if I could develop a time machine, I would try to erase them!

Another love of mine happened to be because of where I lived. I was very lucky in my younger days of growing up about a block away from the Nassau Coliseum. This was during the four (4) Stanley Cup years of the great New York Islander dynasty. My father would take me just up the block and watch the victory parades each year. Bossy, Potvin, Smith, Nystrom... the names can go on and on. But sadly, it seemed the team started to falter when I moved away. Oh sure, there were some good years after that ('93 comes to mind, but that puke Dale Hunter ruined it), but many bad years as well - even so far as selling the team to an owner who had no money. Even today, they seem to a low-budget team trying to compete with the big guys. But no matter what - I still will root for my Islanders (hence, my OS name and xbox gamertag suggest).

My last "love" for a franchise is rather odd. Growing up in an area where there are two (2) football teams, you would have to think I would have chosen one of them. Well, you would be dead wrong. I root for a team that could be about as far west as one can go - the Oakland Raiders. Ok - stop the laughing. I have been rooting for them ever since I was about nine (9) years old, and I did a book report on the great Jim Plunkett. Over time, my favorite football players grew to be Marcus Allen, Bo Jackson, and Tim Brown. I've had some good luck with my "fandom" with these guys (made some nice coin off a friendly bet with my dad on who would reach the Super Bowl first - Jets or Raiders), but also run into the bizzare and down right awfulness of rooting for them (Al Davis ruining the team, poor records since their last Bowl appearance, and even that dreaded "tuck rule").

Sure, I've run into some bad luck with my teams. Watching others celebrate victory and championships while I sit and just think about the "could have and should have beens". But that is what sports is about - any team can win on any given day - and I would not trade my "losing rooting" for anything in the world.
Total Comments 6


rudyjuly2's Avatar
My Dolphins have been bad for awhile. Now they are playing well with a nice future ahead of them. Things have to turn around right? Just don't tell that to the Lions.
Posted 11-18-2008 at 10:42 AM by rudyjuly2 rudyjuly2 is offline
ExtremeGamer's Avatar
Try being a Cleveland fan. Either our teams suck, or they break our heart.
Posted 11-18-2008 at 11:40 AM by ExtremeGamer ExtremeGamer is offline
rspencer86's Avatar
Growing up around Kansas City has made me a big Chiefs and Royals fan. The Royals have been bad pretty much since I can remember. At least during the 90's and early 2000's the Chiefs were decent, but not great. Now both the Royals AND Chiefs suck, and it is really hard to get excited about sports when that happens. At least Mizzou's football team is doing pretty well, otherwise I'd be standing on the edge of a cliff...
Posted 11-18-2008 at 12:40 PM by rspencer86 rspencer86 is offline
RaychelSnr's Avatar
I see your Mets, Islanders and Raiders and raise you a Texas Rangers, Kansas City Chiefs and Oklahoma City Thunder
Posted 11-18-2008 at 12:51 PM by RaychelSnr RaychelSnr is offline
nyisles16's Avatar
yeah - those are some bad teams...
Posted 11-18-2008 at 01:43 PM by nyisles16 nyisles16 is offline
phillycannon1720's Avatar
Ok I live in Philadelphia......1983-2008.......1 World Championship team in 4 major sports....'Nuff said
Posted 12-08-2008 at 10:59 PM by phillycannon1720 phillycannon1720 is offline
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