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Sarah Palin

Posted 11-26-2008 at 09:05 PM by RAZRr1275
Is it only me that thinks that she's a huge joke in politcs? Not only did she not know what her job is but she fell for this prank call the actually video is on the bottom of the page http://www.dailykos.com/storyonly/20...235/763/649110
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CM Hooe's Avatar
I for one am not too impressed with her, be it policy-wise, qualification-wise, or otherwise.

That said it doesn't seem like she's going away anytime soon.
Posted 11-27-2008 at 12:00 AM by CM Hooe CM Hooe is offline
statum71's Avatar
I know. Glad she ain't VP.
Posted 11-27-2008 at 12:32 AM by statum71 statum71 is offline
Tomba's Avatar
Posted 11-27-2008 at 11:27 AM by Tomba Tomba is offline
Yet Prez 0bama thinks we are a country of 57 states and Biden thinks the word jobs is a three letter word.
Posted 11-29-2008 at 10:18 AM by Registered_Again Registered_Again is offline
RAZRr1275's Avatar
^^ Yeah give me proof of that.
Posted 11-29-2008 at 11:20 AM by RAZRr1275 RAZRr1275 is offline
TheMatrix31's Avatar
Posted 11-30-2008 at 05:21 AM by TheMatrix31 TheMatrix31 is offline
RAZRr1275's Avatar
Wow. John McCain and Sarah Palin aren't any better though.
Posted 11-30-2008 at 11:39 AM by RAZRr1275 RAZRr1275 is offline
TheMatrix31's Avatar
They're not too bad. Biden is a gaffe machine and has been so for 30+ years now. Obama is only good when he's got the telepromtor. Palin's "gaffes" came early on when the McLame camp put a muzzle on her and took her out of her element.

Definitely not as bad as Obama/Biden. They're surprisingly really bad when it comes to that.
Posted 11-30-2008 at 06:44 PM by TheMatrix31 TheMatrix31 is offline
RAZRr1275's Avatar
Sarah Palin and John McCain are pretty terrible imo. Sarah Palin can't answer what her job is and talks about Wasilla when she should be talking about the issues. And if she is forced to talk about them she has said John and I will think of something together before. She just isn't qualified for the job as VP. John McCain called Barack Obama "That guy over there" and started singing Bomb Iran at a rally of his. I just think that John McCain and Sarah Palin make bigger errors.
Posted 11-30-2008 at 06:59 PM by RAZRr1275 RAZRr1275 is offline
RAZRr1275's Avatar
Oh and also if you listened to the prank call that's pretty crazy that she didn't know that it was a prank until they told her
Posted 11-30-2008 at 07:00 PM by RAZRr1275 RAZRr1275 is offline
rudyjuly2's Avatar
The only really positive thing I can see about Palin is that she's easy on the eyes.
Posted 12-01-2008 at 03:53 PM by rudyjuly2 rudyjuly2 is offline
I love Sarah! Shes my hero!
Posted 12-06-2008 at 03:28 PM by patsguy patsguy is offline
I liked Palin. Did she have all the answers, heck no, put in the spotlight as quick as she was, and you have to admit the press went after her pretty good, some of the questions were real setups, but I don't believe she was given a fair shake, all in all. She's done a good job in Alaska.

Not a McCain fan, and the swooning over Obama was, well embarrassing, my opinion. There are equally "telling" videos of Obama and Biden on the net that never seemed to make it front and center like Palin did. For example...


That said, I have faith in NO politicans right now, none of them. This crisis was caused by them and the same group of insiders is going to cause it in 2009. Too bad for the hard working Americans who have tried to play by the rules and do the right thing all their lives.
Posted 12-06-2008 at 10:07 PM by jim416 jim416 is offline
RAZRr1275's Avatar
Yeah, I'm actually kind of shocked on all of the things that I've seen from Obama and Biden on youtube. I think he's the better choice though because McCain just didn't seem to get what is going on. There's him saying that the economy is fundamentally sound, his health insurance plan, the bomb iran song, etc. that just makes me not want to vote for him.

Obama just seems more aware too me.
Posted 12-06-2008 at 10:14 PM by RAZRr1275 RAZRr1275 is offline
Well, I agree about McCain, but I disagree about Obama. I never heard a guy talk more in my life and say nothing. "Change" for two years and really nothing of substance. I really don't look for any "change" what-so-ever, just the status quo, bigger government, more spending, the same stuff that caused all this in the first place.

We'll see soon enough.
Posted 12-06-2008 at 10:44 PM by jim416 jim416 is offline
RAZRr1275's Avatar
Yep we will see. I'm interested to see what he does.
Posted 12-06-2008 at 10:46 PM by RAZRr1275 RAZRr1275 is offline

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