
The OS Golfer's Thread!

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Old 07-03-2010, 11:52 AM   #49
Jet Sufferer's Arena
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Re: The OS Golfer's Thread!

I play 3 or 4 times a week and practice on most days that I don't, I also started giving lessons again. The past 2 seasons I couldn't play as much as I wanted and my game suffered. This season I spent a lot of time in the gym in the winter and lots of time working on my game when the weather broke.

I have my handicap back down to 0.5, and on the next revision I will most likely be a "plus" handicap (better than 0) as I've been shooting under par pretty often. I was scraping it around to a 3 handicap early in the season which is the highest my handicap has been in about 14 years. At one point my handicap was plus 3, I think I can get it back to there or better.

All of you guys wanting to spend money on clubs have it all backwards, your money would be FAR better spent on lessons. The trick is to find someone like me who will really try and teach you instead of many of these "pros" who try and drag out the lesson process for as long as possible.

Many of you already have nice clubs, no need to upgrade, many of those "knock offs" are just as good as the "real thing" too. If you could buy a game in the pro shop, there would be millions of scratch golfers.

If you have any athletic ability you can become a good golfer, but there is a LOT to learn and it's a lot of fun to practice and get better, you never stop learning in golf. I enjoy practicing almost as much as playing, get some lessons, read some books, watch the instruction shows on the golf channel, listen to the announcers at the tournaments, there's tons of nuggets to apply to your game.

Ideally, you can find someone who is a good player and/or teacher to watch you swing and correct your mistakes, so you can then start practicing good habits and understand what's happening in your swing and why the ball is hooking, slicing, etc.
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Old 07-03-2010, 11:52 AM   #50
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Re: The OS Golfer's Thread!

Originally Posted by NC State-31 UNC-27
Would def make a trip for free golf

Wondering if anyone else has this problem....pretty much since I started playing (12 years ago or so) I can NOT hit off the driving range. It's like a huge mental block, combined with what is usually super thin grass and crappy golf balls. I can barely make solid contact sometimes.....then I get out in the first fairway and hit a beautiful iron into the green. It's a problem because sometimes I pick up bad habits on the range and my swing gets a little off.

So in the end, I never get any better unless I'm actually on the course playing on a regular basis, which is almost impossible as a student/recent graduate
I'm actually quite the opposite. I hit much better shots when I'm at the range. I think it's because I'm more relaxed and just swing rather than over-thinking it or coming up too quickly trying to find the ball.
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Old 07-03-2010, 01:33 PM   #51
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Re: The OS Golfer's Thread!

Originally Posted by Jet Sufferer
I play 3 or 4 times a week and practice on most days that I don't, I also started giving lessons again. The past 2 seasons I couldn't play as much as I wanted and my game suffered. This season I spent a lot of time in the gym in the winter and lots of time working on my game when the weather broke.

I have my handicap back down to 0.5, and on the next revision I will most likely be a "plus" handicap (better than 0) as I've been shooting under par pretty often. I was scraping it around to a 3 handicap early in the season which is the highest my handicap has been in about 14 years. At one point my handicap was plus 3, I think I can get it back to there or better.

All of you guys wanting to spend money on clubs have it all backwards, your money would be FAR better spent on lessons. The trick is to find someone like me who will really try and teach you instead of many of these "pros" who try and drag out the lesson process for as long as possible.

Many of you already have nice clubs, no need to upgrade, many of those "knock offs" are just as good as the "real thing" too. If you could buy a game in the pro shop, there would be millions of scratch golfers.

If you have any athletic ability you can become a good golfer, but there is a LOT to learn and it's a lot of fun to practice and get better, you never stop learning in golf. I enjoy practicing almost as much as playing, get some lessons, read some books, watch the instruction shows on the golf channel, listen to the announcers at the tournaments, there's tons of nuggets to apply to your game.

Ideally, you can find someone who is a good player and/or teacher to watch you swing and correct your mistakes, so you can then start practicing good habits and understand what's happening in your swing and why the ball is hooking, slicing, etc.
Listen to this man.

I've never owned my own bran name set, only custom made. There are MANY sites online that have full sets that cost under $200. Gigagolf is my favorite place - on top of that it's customed to your size/shape.

But Jet is right - get lessons. If you didn't know already, May is always free lesson month. Most PGA pros will give out 10 mins free lesson - so try again next year.
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Old 07-03-2010, 02:46 PM   #52
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Re: The OS Golfer's Thread!

For what it's worth.... The Stack and Tilt system is golden. I've improved my ball striking consistancy 100% or more. Between that and the Medicus 7 iron I've improved a great deal in a short time..
"D.O.D. pension files indicate current mailing as: Dr. Robert Hume,
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Old 07-03-2010, 02:51 PM   #53
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Re: The OS Golfer's Thread!

Originally Posted by Matt10
Listen to this man.

I've never owned my own bran name set, only custom made. There are MANY sites online that have full sets that cost under $200. Gigagolf is my favorite place - on top of that it's customed to your size/shape.

But Jet is right - get lessons. If you didn't know already, May is always free lesson month. Most PGA pros will give out 10 mins free lesson - so try again next year.
I've never owned a brand name set either which is why I'm giving myself the gift. The X 20's I tried are much lighter than what I currently (TM Clones) use and I hit dang good with them when I tried them out. When I was shooting 100+ I never even thought about sinking $ into a name set but now that I'm in the 80's and keep getting a tad better and better I'm getting them. Now with that said I wouldn't spend 900.00 - 1000.00 or anything. The X 20's have dropped to 399.99 so that's what I'm grabbing them hopefully soon....
"D.O.D. pension files indicate current mailing as: Dr. Robert Hume,
a.k.a. Stephen W. Falken, 5 Tall Cedar Road, Goose Island, Oregon"

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Old 07-03-2010, 06:06 PM   #54
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Re: The OS Golfer's Thread!

Shot an 84 today. First time I've ever broken 90. I was pumped. Missed a few short putts at the end, but I was extremely happy with how I played today. Makes me want to get back out and play again ASAP!
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Old 07-03-2010, 07:29 PM   #55
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Re: The OS Golfer's Thread!

first round with the new Ping G15 irons....shot 78. I'm in love.
I can't shave with my eyes closed, meaning each day I have to look at myself in the mirror and respect who I see.

I miss the old days of Operation Sports :(

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Old 07-03-2010, 07:40 PM   #56
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Re: The OS Golfer's Thread!

Originally Posted by Skyboxer
For what it's worth.... The Stack and Tilt system is golden. I've improved my ball striking consistancy 100% or more. Between that and the Medicus 7 iron I've improved a great deal in a short time..
Medicus to me is by far a better product that stack n tilt - unless you have a onsite teacher who knows how the swing works. There's a reason why many pros switched back to their old swings (Aaron Baddely) - because the SnT is a bit inconsistent.

If I would suggest any type of swing, and believe me I've tried ALL of them, it would be the youtube videos by Shawn Clement. He has great explanation of "stacked" n "tilt" - not to mention he speaks clearly.

While you're on youtube, check out Slicefixer (one word) - that guy is a legend at golfwrx forums. Heck, there is a book created by other users that include nothing but his posts from that forum, 290 pages worth.

Originally Posted by Skyboxer
I've never owned a brand name set either which is why I'm giving myself the gift. The X 20's I tried are much lighter than what I currently (TM Clones) use and I hit dang good with them when I tried them out. When I was shooting 100+ I never even thought about sinking $ into a name set but now that I'm in the 80's and keep getting a tad better and better I'm getting them. Now with that said I wouldn't spend 900.00 - 1000.00 or anything. The X 20's have dropped to 399.99 so that's what I'm grabbing them hopefully soon....
Well, that's a great gift, $400 is a solid price - maybe even one I'd look into, but wouldn't be justified to the woman

I hope you enjoy them man - solid set.

Originally Posted by LetsGoBucs
Shot an 84 today. First time I've ever broken 90. I was pumped. Missed a few short putts at the end, but I was extremely happy with how I played today. Makes me want to get back out and play again ASAP!
Super congrats man. I remember when I broke 90, I plastered the scorecard on my wall for several months, until I broke 70
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