No. You are right, it wasn't needed. I am guessing its more out of frustration than anything. Which obviously still doesn't make it right.
However, at this point- things are getting a bit ridiculous. Personally, both patches have had negative effects on my franchises(as well as a co-worker in the same boat, and a long time friend who are all expieriencing freezes), and I am still scared to move forth with my RTTS's due to all the negative feedback each patch has received, until I get confirmation that all is 100% cleared up.
The lack of communication up until now, only complicated the matter. Considering when things are going well, and there is a game to be sold- there is no lack of presence from certain team members on the boards.
I have all the faith in the world the problem(s) will be corrected. This is normally a top quality product, from a top quality team.
Like many people, I am extremely frustrated at this point. I have a game that is virtually unplayable as advertised. Each patch has done something to mess up the game(my biggest gripe being the fact I had to scrap a franchise twice due to my saves freezing from loading from the cloud).
Now, the current roster update has screwed around with pitchers repertoirs. Not game breaking, but very annoying nonetheless.
As I said, any negative things being said probably are just due to frustration more than anything. Nobody twisted my arm to buy a Vita, 2 copies off the Show, and about 20.00 worth of RTTS points(I wanted to make one legit guy, and one stud). However, I did invest a lot of money, and while some of it does work, some of it hasn't worked to its optimal performance, or acceptable levels.
I know the problem will be fixed, and we can all move on this. I love what the game brings to the table this year, even though all I have been doing is playing exhibition games recently.