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Old 04-30-2013, 03:50 PM   #8844
Greatness Has Arrived
Burns11's Arena
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Re: You know what really grinds my gears?

Originally Posted by mgoblue
I was putting up a new shower head and it had a sharp edge. Cut my thumb on the bending part of the knuckle. Every time I bend my thumb I feel it. Not bleeding or anything, just annoyance now. I feel your pain.

Instead of superglue though I'd get Nuskin (or whatever it's called)'s a liquid bandage meant for that type of thing.
Eh, new skin is mediocre and expensive. They use cyanoacrylates as liquid sutures, though typically not the kind sold as superglue (it's more brittle and stays bonded longer and can irritate the skin if bonded too long, so it's not ideal for deep lacerations like the medical types, it's never caused any such irritation for me).

Much of the research done for cyanoacrylate sutures was done using plain old superglue, but then the FDA and medical companies got involved, so instead of the $2 for a 21ml bottle of superglue, you are looking at a couple hundred bucks for a dozen dingle use .5ml vials.
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