11-09-2015, 08:58 AM
Why this series is dying
I think the #1 issue facing this series and why so many of us are struggling to continue playing or have just flat out given up, is because it's very hard to tell the difference anymore wether were playing a new game or NHL 11, NHL 12, etc, etc,....overall there are things to love about NHL 16 and I have had some great games but I also had that same feeling regarding every release of NHL for years. The flip side, there are things that will just flat out make you pull your hair out wondering how they can have that in the game or why won't they fix that?...the game looks a little better each year and they add some new features or modes but the core gameplay, AI, and issues that ruin the hockey experience remain the same for years.
Imagine playing GTA series each time they release and despite some graphical improvements, a few new weapons, and new missions, your playing in the same city driving the same cars...I know this seems like an odd comparison but with the NHL series, at first glance you would be hard pressed to notice a difference between watching a game of NHL 12 and NHL 16. The same, poorly used cyber faces, the same goalie masks, the same flawed AI, the same overused deke move, the same glitch goals, the same crappy celebration, the same animations....etc. they add eye candy all around but at it's heart, it's the same old same old.
Years ago a new system usually meant a new looking and improved NHL game. I noticed big jumps and improvements in the NHL series from SEGA Genesis to Play Station, Playstation to Play Station 2, and Play Station 2 to Play Station 3. However, the Series has not only not improved since the jump to Play Station 4 but it has taken a clear and obvious step back. NHL 15 was an unprecedented disaster and NHL 16 is last gen NHL 14 with a facelift. This game trails so far behind other sports games that it's not even funny and this includes other EA sport titles. I understand NHL is not as popular as the other main sports but this is a poor excuse to release a poor product. I also, after much thought, will no longer buy the budget and resources excuse I have used to explain this poor series away for years. That should have nothing to do with releasing a bug filled product. This should have nothing to do with fixing the AI. This has nothing to do with lack of player seperation. This should have nothing to do with no five man celebration. This should have nothing to do with not implementing roster share. This has nothing to do with poorly some roster updates. This has nothing to do with so much.....I could just go on and on. If they really want to run with that reason get out of the game making buisness.
In truth I have no idea what happened to this series and you will theories abound....the Devs don't care, they don't have resources, they dont have budgets, they only focus on HUT and Online, blah blah blah...I'm sorry but NHL 16, while it can be fun at times, is a poor release and follows a trend in the series that points to it's coming demise. Just one mans opinion.