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Old 04-17-2016, 02:17 PM   #33
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canes21's Arena
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Re: Operation Sports Twitch Stream - MLB The Show 16 OSFM Release - 4/17 5 PM ET

Originally Posted by Jr.
It's absolutely nothing against you, Knight. I just think it's a bit much that your work is turning in to a spectacle. But hey, what do I know. I have links in my sig, so apparently I'm doing the same thing.
I get where you are coming from and agree with it. I'm not upset at a Q&A or pre-release Twitch stream, I just find it a bit weird and feel like it is putting the rosters up on a pedestal. I love the OSFM, I wait on them to be finished before I start a franchise, but I just don't see why there is a need to do anything more than provide a progress report on them and then release them when they're finished. Hosting Q&A's and streams for a roster set is just too silly in my opinion.

If people are excited about the stream and want to watch it, then more power to them. I see absolutely zero point in watching a stream for a roster set, but that's just my opinion and neither side is wrong.
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― Plato
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