All of the following has to do with player awareness. It’s 2k’s weakest link. Unfortunately, I don’t have in depth videos or can’t really expand on them seeing as how this particular thread was unexpected. I'll be updating this post as I come across stuff such as videos, etc.
1. Defensive player awareness needs to be revamped.
"I got ball" button mechanic. Closest defender may not be the same position player, but allow user controlled mismatches on the fly without using the d-pad settings. If Lebron (PF) wants to guard Curry (PG), let it happen. Lonzo (PG) needs to go pick up Lebron’s original assignment rather create an unwanted faux double team on Curry while leaving Lebron’s man completely open. It shouldn’t matter that Lebron was suppose to be guarding Durant if the user wants to take control of Lebron to guard Curry. These unwanted double teams needs to stop. The cpu needs to recognize what the user is doing.
2. Ability to call off double teams, must be user controlled. Sometimes you don't want a double team situation.
Transition defense needs defensive retreat logic and awareness, and back pedal animations, constant awareness once possession has been relinquished by the offense. Defenders need to stop turning their backs to the action. Eyes on their man, eyes on the ball, eyes on the action. The defenders' field of view (FOV) needs to be on to the action and NOT staring into the crowd ahead. You can't defend what you can't see.
4. On the fly ‘switch/no switch’ communications must be dictated by the user via button press. Changing the settings to strictly ‘no switch’ becomes pointless when there are moments you want to switch.
5. Help defense revamp. 5 out isolation vs. post play isolation. Five out isolation cannot have perimeter defenders strictly hugging the perimeter while leaving the lone defender on an island trying to defend the isolation. Need constant ‘boxes and elbows and within arms reach to defend the isolation drive and recovery to defend the perimeter. Post play ‘isolation’ also cannot happen. Perimeter players cannot be oblivious to the paint while the big man pounds away down in the paint.
6. No more Otto Porter defense. In other words, player awareness is still fundamentally flawed.
7. Give user the ability to tell teammates to run to the three or cut to the paint during transitions. No more guessing game.
8. Bonus: Perimeter three point shooting fouls must be implemented. Playing the game since day one and I have only encountered 1 foul on a three point shot.