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Old 06-09-2021, 03:54 AM   #12
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re: Battlefield 2042 - Launching October 2021

Been playing V the last few nights in anticipation of the announcement and I feel like the game is in a pretty good place at this point. I hadn't played in quite some time, but the game feels and plays well. It's still too fast for my liking.

I was able to find one lone NA community server on PC that was hardcore mode and I enjoyed that pacing and TTK much more as expected, but it was literally the only NA community server showing in my browser, so I'm guessing hardcore is dying if not already dead in this game/community.

I've always enjoyed how hardcore was a slower paced game with things like 3D cameras disabled, some HUD elements removed, and the obvious less TTK. Even going back to Bad Company 2 I enjoyed it more. Back then the HC servers were much more present and full.

Has HC essentially been dead since it was implemented into V? I remember waiting for it awhile back and losing almost all interest in the game as the wait was way too long, so I didn't get to see if it was ever more popular.

I'm guessing that HC is basically an afterthought in the franchise at this point and the community doesn't care for it much either which does make me sad. I'll still play the new game, even with the games being worse almost each release since BC2 the "bad" games in the series are still fun, they just aren't the masterpiece BC2 was or even the great games 3 and 4 were, which those even had the noticeable shift towards a faster pace and that's why I think they're both worse than BC2.

I'd like to see in the reveal and other news throughout the week that the series is slowing the gameplay down some more, but I'm not holding my breath. I know they attempted to slow it down some in V and I think it was slower than 1, but even compared to 3 or 4 and especially BC2 or 2 the game is still pretty fast.

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