10-13-2021, 03:50 AM
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Join Date: Sep 2015
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Posts: 1,729
Re: Mattanite's M22 Franchise Tips
Scouting breakdown is underway, but early on I really recommend a few things:
Trial it a few times through to end of draft in a solo league if you're in a online user league. Mistakes can be VERY costly.
Don't click on the focus scout scenario until you've scouted who you want to focus scout separately as clicking on the scenario or backing out without finishing will lose your focus scouts without any new info!
EA are aware there's a bug in offseason focus scouting where they get used but don't increase the first two players.
You can hire/fire scouts and set region in preseason but only set position focus in reg week 1,miss it and you're stuck at the cpu selections.
Use the favourites list all through the season ready for draft day. Drafting without a favourites is horrid as it takes longer to scan player tiles. You'll only see about 5 players before clock forces you to make a pick.
Initial impressions are - this is brutal! I'm loving the chaos and randomness but you need to plan well ahead to get it right. It'll be hard for everyone to adjust to having much less info in order to draft but creates more sim outcomes. Hard to master and gain consistency.
Last edited by Mattanite; 10-13-2021 at 03:55 AM.