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Old 11-09-2021, 01:24 PM   #14
Mattanite's Arena
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Re: M22 Scouting Tool

Originally Posted by danezel88
Just to confirm you must enter the players in order of the 1-250 projection? I typically break down players by position when I enter in their info just so I can enter in all the same skills. If I have to reenter all the prospects in order then so be it but just seeing if there is anyway after the fact to adjust. I know I can change the "pprojected range" but that has no effect on the Pick JJ Value but not sure how much that matters or affects the ScoutScoreRank/ScoutScoreJJValue. It would help a ton if this is possible as I can just grab a whole position and copy and paste values, by column as opposed to each value.

Feedback wise, liking the tool alot, love the fact that you get what you put in. I spent several hours converting my prospect excel sheet info to yours and it was great to see clear cut rankings of guys I was on the fence about.

One feature request I would recommend, is the "Picked" column the ability to once entering the "x" value, it shades or darkens the entire Row therefore denoting that player is off the board.

Still digging in but having fun with it, thanks again!
For you I'd recommend entering all 224 player names and positions, THEN filter by position to enter remaining info. The order will still be the same between Madden main vs Madden by position for the 224. The pick order is important as it calculates the draft value from that specific pick.

The remaining udfa players reverse order if if they're in the 250 when you go to filter by just position in madden, quite confusing entering udfa qb and cb details to realise all the names are backwards when you filter.

Will add a darker condition to picked, thanks for the tip.

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