05-22-2022, 01:11 PM
(SUPER) Old School Tecmo Super Bowl III Seahawks Franchise
My PS2 still isn’t fixed…lack of time/motivation/money/etc. so I’m going to start a franchise for Tecmo Super Bowl III Final Edition using the Seattle Seahawks when they used to be in the AFC West. I’ll be doing the “Trade Schedule” version, which allows for 3 attempted trades at the beginning of each season. My trades aren’t going to be fair or anything as I’ve seen the AI do some stupid trades in the past…like Green Bay trading away Bennet and getting Barry Sanders in return from the Lions. I plan on making the most busted, crazy team I can over the course of this so if you are wanting realism…sorry but it’s not going to happen this time (and I’m not even 100% sure it’s even possible on this old of a system…without super extensive booking done on my end lol)
System: SNES
Game: Tecmo Super Bowl III Final Edition
Mode: Trades
Game Style: Player for trades and Computer for actual games
Fumbles/Injuries: On
Quarter Length: 15 minutes
Last edited by Chyli; 05-24-2022 at 04:58 PM.