chrisc50's Blog

# 1
Suave35 @ Aug 22
Really it's what you prefer.I'm a 2k fan,but i don't knock no one for liking Live. I just like 2ks Gameplay better,it better fits my playing style
# 2
chrisc50 @ Aug 22
I'm a big 2K fan love to play the games. To me like 2k more then Live (not knocking Live) want the whole to stop because start competing and then they start comparing
# 3
gluck24 @ Aug 22
I agree people should stop comparing the 2 games... i just realized that when i read your blog.. because if you read some of my posts you'll see i bashed on live a lot.. but both games have some good to em... i think if your a hardcore basketball fan you buy NBA 2k10 but if your a casual fan you buy NBA live... i prefer 2k cause it has more realism to it in my oppinion..
# 5
alexgamez122 @ Aug 22
I don't know why this is a discussion, 2k is better than live, but EA makes the best hockey (NHL 09 )and soccer (Fifa) game, Sony's MLB 09 is the best baseball game. It not a debate thats just how it is
# 6
joesto54 @ Aug 23
still arguing about games that don't come out for another month... you guys are hilarious
# 7
pepp32 @ Aug 25
2k's Q&A was somewhat impressive. I will probably, when it comes down to it, buy both games. But, I would really like for Live to be successfull. The thing is I love the freestyle control. Always have. I think their going in the right direction with their presentation, but their graphics reign supreem.
I really am forced to play 2k cause all my friends have given up on Live even though I try to sway them to come back to Live every year it seems like. Their like yeah, yeah...heard it before. Gameplay this gameplay that. So maybe this year they'll come arround. I'll own both if they don't. (I also own a PS3 and a 360). So I'll grab 2K on one system and Live on the other so I don't get confused when I switch out. The different feel of the controllers should help with that.
Ya see, my crib is a video gamers heaven. I have a 52' Sony XBR4 that I play on and incredible surround sound by Bose. So I'm entertaining a lot. So we'll have to wait and see how things play out.
The videos that have been put out have helped. They like what the have seen and so do I.
The way it plays is another story. September 10 is about 3 weeks away. So keep them vids coming cause it's impressing the masses over here in the city that Jordan built!
I really am forced to play 2k cause all my friends have given up on Live even though I try to sway them to come back to Live every year it seems like. Their like yeah, yeah...heard it before. Gameplay this gameplay that. So maybe this year they'll come arround. I'll own both if they don't. (I also own a PS3 and a 360). So I'll grab 2K on one system and Live on the other so I don't get confused when I switch out. The different feel of the controllers should help with that.
Ya see, my crib is a video gamers heaven. I have a 52' Sony XBR4 that I play on and incredible surround sound by Bose. So I'm entertaining a lot. So we'll have to wait and see how things play out.
The videos that have been put out have helped. They like what the have seen and so do I.
The way it plays is another story. September 10 is about 3 weeks away. So keep them vids coming cause it's impressing the masses over here in the city that Jordan built!

# 8
JkA3 @ Aug 25
I'm a fan of both. Last year I had a tough time. I first purchased Live, then traded in 2K9 again for Live, and then....traded in 2K9 for Live.
I guess my problem was that there were things that I liked about both titles. Neither completely did it for me, for I stopped playing Live by December. This year...I'm going to make my decision based off of which Demo I prefer the most. To me, last year, the demos were very well representations of the final product. Of course not to a Tee, but for the most part - the overall feel and direction was transparent through the demos.
I guess my problem was that there were things that I liked about both titles. Neither completely did it for me, for I stopped playing Live by December. This year...I'm going to make my decision based off of which Demo I prefer the most. To me, last year, the demos were very well representations of the final product. Of course not to a Tee, but for the most part - the overall feel and direction was transparent through the demos.
# 9
supercrazym @ Aug 25
Lol coolkid123 i bet you are like 13 years old thats why you like live because it is mostly arcade style huh.2k will always be better at basketball games and if 2k had the lisence for football it would be better then madden too .
# 10
eggnoliveface @ Aug 26
rotfl supercrazym i bet you're 13 years old thats why you cant use punctuation, periods & capital letters like big kids.....and Live is better, sorry 2k7.....errr...I mean 2k10 needs to do something besides add a roster update!
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