Bring it back.

Bring Football back to PC

Posted 05-04-2012 at 12:10 AM by Aranor
It's time to bring the much loved NCAA and Madden football back to the PC. It's time to stop using old excuses such as piracy and start using all consoles, not just Xbox and PS. Madden is even using Wii and the new Vita. Why leave out the PC? PCs are much more advanced and superior to the consoles, so really, why leave out the PC?
Comments 0 Aranor is offline

coaching carousel needs more improvement

Posted 01-18-2012 at 02:22 PM by Aranor
I liked that they finally came out with the cc, but by realistic football thats not how coaches are hired. Look at Urban Meyer, hired well before the season was over. Paterno was fired months before. Instead of this linear coaching hire, how about announcing throught media which coaches would be fired. For those successful coordinators, they can search through the year for better position or stay. Coaches could also apply for a better position awell.
Posted in NCAA football
Comments 2 Aranor is offline

need a new developer for football.

Posted 11-07-2011 at 09:16 AM by Aranor
It really sucks having to be stuck with EA on NCAA football and madden. For me, Ive never really liked madden in the first place but have dealt with it for years. NCAA is the only option there is. EA cares more for making money on piss poor gameplay improvements thats its grown apparent that some new company needs to steal the show in the football world.
Posted in NCAA football
Comments 1 Aranor is offline

Stale Game madden has become

Posted 11-03-2011 at 02:07 PM by Aranor
The atmosphere of Madden to me has become pretty stale, dull, and boring. Load up go to dynasty and play one game after another. There are few options to choose from. Even the view stadium from 08 is no longer in the games. And what about how hiring a player there used to be front load, back load and same every year. Now its all the same. Crowd noise is terrible and presentation sounds like copy and paste from every year.
Posted in Madden
Comments 4 Aranor is offline

Aranor's Dynasty

Posted 11-03-2011 at 01:37 PM by Aranor
San Jose State University:
Head Coach Zack Mitchell
Year 1: 10-2 Won Humanitarian Bowl
Year 2 13-0 Won Humanitarian Bowl
Year 3 13-0 Won National Championship
moved to MAC
Year 4 14-0 Won MAC championship and National Chamionship
Year 5 14-0 Won MAC championship and Rose Bowl
Year 6 10-0 current

Coach Benard Kimble:
Defensive Coordinator Ackron University
Year 1 9-3 Lost military bowl
Posted in NCAA football
Comments 0 Aranor is offline

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