Thoughts and opinions on the world of console gaming from a long time hardcore Sports Gamer

The End of an Era. MLB The Show 21 Ushers out the old....and In With The New.

Posted 05-05-2021 at 02:40 PM by Armor and Sword
Updated 09-30-2021 at 01:03 PM by Armor and Sword
For the last 7 years March was always a great time of anticipation. Baseball season starting, weather getting warmer and of course the arrival of MLB The Show and the chance to continue on our franchise on the latest and greatest version of the game. But something different happened this time around. MLB The Show 21 did not include their genre defining franchise feature of Year to Year Saves. It was a stunning revelation about the move to the new generation of Playstation and for the first time...
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The Lama
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Dusting off the PS3 and simply put.....WOW!!!!

Posted 07-29-2020 at 08:41 AM by Armor and Sword
I recently just moved into our new home. We had packed everything up months before our move to be ready and I had packed away my PS3 and my entire collection of PS3 games.

Fast forward to this past weekend. We finally set up the man cave. We unpacked our original NES, Atari 2600, original XBOX and the trusty PS3 (a new top loading one we picked up two years ago in fact after my old faithful 80G fatty met her demise after 10 years of service).

I decided to dust off...
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The Lama
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Does Anyone Remember Laughter? The Current State Of Operation Sports

Posted 05-25-2018 at 03:13 PM by Armor and Sword
Updated 05-25-2018 at 03:23 PM by Armor and Sword
Man, I don't know where to begin. I found this site back in 2009 when I was searching for some slider idea's for Madden 10, and MLB The Show 2009. When I first came here I was blown away at the great interaction of the members, the interaction with game developers of my favorite sports games and just the overall great vibe of a sports gaming community.

Fast Forward to 2018 and I am really regretfully here to say, what the hell happened? Far too many great members have fallen off the...
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The Lama
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Taking The Online Plunge On MLB 15 The Show

Posted 04-10-2015 at 01:41 PM by Armor and Sword
Updated 04-10-2015 at 01:46 PM by Armor and Sword
March 31st 2015 - The package arrived at 2:30 pm from Amazon Prime. My wife gave me a call knowing I had been waiting for this for months. She said "hey baby....your new toy has arrived". I quickly finish up some things in the office and flip the gone fishing sign on my door as I head out in a flash of light. I arrive home and rip the envelope open and low and behold MLB The Show 15 10th Anniversary Edition has finally arrived. I load it up on my PS4 and start to give the KC/SF demo a...
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The Lama
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Lifelong Offline Franchise Guy Has The Online Sickness!!!

Posted 04-10-2015 at 11:55 AM by Armor and Sword
March 31st 2015 - The package arrived at 2:30 pm from Amazon Prime. My wife gave me a call knowing I had been waiting for this for months. She said "hey baby....your new toy has arrived". I quickly finish up some things in the office and flip the gone fishing sign on my door as I head out in a flash of light. I arrive home and rip the envelope open and low and behold MLB The Show 15 10th Anniversary Edition has finally arrived. I load it up on my PS4 and start to give the KC/SF demo a...
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