
Dedicated Sim League Madden 13 & NCAA 13

Posted 07-22-2012 at 10:20 PM by AttackAttack
I would like to welcome you all to our wonderful community. Our mission is to become one of the top sites for “Simulation” Sports gaming. That’s not an easy thing to do by any means but if we have one thing going for us it is experience. Our administrators here have been running simulation leagues across multiple platforms for almost 10 years now. From PC leagues, PS2, PS3 and now exclusively for the Xbox 360 console.

We pride ourselves on playing the game as closely to its real life counterpart as humanly possible. Showing respect and integrity towards your opponent is a must. Winning isn’t everything around here. We play the game to have fun, win or lose and never resort to cheating and/or exploits to gain the upper hand. Treat the game like its a chess match not a glitch-fest.

With that said if this sounds like something you might be interested in you have come to the right place. These types of sites are few and far between and we want you to help us make it the best site out there of its kind. so Welcome to Dedicatedleagues.com
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Add Dan Marino to madden 13 legands

Posted 06-14-2012 at 05:04 PM by AttackAttack
Updated 06-14-2012 at 05:06 PM by AttackAttack
EA has done great things this year with legands and the gear they wore during the time they played. I've been asking for years for old school equipment to be added. And they finally came through. They added many legands. And added legand quarterback throwing motions.

But they didn't add my all time favorite player. And the best passer the NFL has ever seen. Dan Marino.

In just his second year in the NFL he shattered every season record for a QB. He threw 48 touchdowns. The old record was 37. AnD 5084 yards. No qb has ever broke the yards record and TD record in the same year like he did in 1984.

Yes, we all know he never won a super bowl. It is a team sport. To quote the great Bill Walsh "Montana was the result of a system. Dan Marino was a system"

Marino had the quickest release in the history on the NFL and one of the strongest arms ever.

This video will show EA everything they need to recreate a early career version of Marino. The way he looked (long hair) and his throwing motion (how he drops the ball low with his right hand) and his quick release.

[CENTER]<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sm3ErTOp0JQ" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>[/CENTER]
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