My blogs will cover Madden problems, fixes and really just Madden in general

Madden 09 passing game problems & annoyances

Posted 05-09-2009 at 08:49 AM by Brandon_c993
This week as requested from Canes21 I will be talking about the passing game in Madden 09 and how it has been addressed. We all know about the passing game problems and especially the major problem that is "Robo-QB".I will take a look into all of the problems with 09's passing game, so let's get started.

First I would like to talk about an annoyance with the passing on the PS3. Whenever you go into a replay on the PS3 the ball does not have a spiral in the replays. Is this...
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Madden 09's Scouting and Draft logic problems

Posted 05-06-2009 at 08:23 PM by Brandon_c993
OK this is going to be a longer blog, this blog entry will be on the Madden 09's Scouting and Draft logic problems.

The first thing I would like to cover may be the most annoying for me and that is the scouting system and draft Logic in the 09 installment of Madden. I really don't enjoy seeing a team draft a QB in the first round 5-6 years in a row, really? I mean come on that is awfully ridiculous. The scouting was such a hassle you had to click on a player's name then a sub-screen...
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Madden 09-10 lack of ratings importance

Posted 05-01-2009 at 04:39 PM by Brandon_c993
Hey guys, here is my second entry on the changes from Madden 09- Madden 10.

I think a lot of people know that rating didn't seem to really matter in Madden 09. I once saw a video where someone created a player with an overall of 12 and 0 Trucking yet he broke out of a tackle from Terrell Suggs. I would like to think if a guy that has the lowest overall possible in Madden 09 with a trucking rating of zero then he shouldn't be able to break any tackles. I play as the Colts in Madden and...
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1 of many on the problems that have or have not been addressed in Madden 10

Posted 04-29-2009 at 03:34 PM by Brandon_c993
1 of many on the problems that have or have not been addressed in Madden 10

First I would like to start with the lack of the "small things" in 09. The "small thing" that annoyed me to no end would have to be not having the correct hair on the correct players, I would list them if the list was not so long. The worst part of this would be seeing player "X" who has long hair, yet in the game he has a buzzcut or something. This list probably goes into...
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