
I already miss it

Posted 11-11-2008 at 10:15 AM by bsb13
Baseball season just has ended and I already miss it. The good thing about baseball is that you pretty much have something to watch every night, and thats good since I hate about 90% of everything that comes on TV. Football is the only other sport I can really get into, but It only comes on a couple of days out of the week. I try to force myself to get into Hockey or Basketball but I just cant seem to do it. I tried watching a Trashers game on TV the other day, but no matter how hard I try to get into it, I end up being bored out of my skull and turning the channel. Basketball is ok, but once again, I dont know why but I just cant seem to get into it. Once Football season ends I will pretty much go into sports hibernation until Baseball starts back up. I wish I could just fast forward to spring.:(
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