Random Thoughts and Musings from my mind, generally while I'm at work.
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Emerging From The Depths

Posted 12-29-2008 at 11:41 AM by callmetaternuts
It's kind of hard to be writing right now. The last few things i wrote were for Mamo (my grandma) and to be writing again, even a few days later still is hard.

Her service was very nice, very hard to get through and experience, but very nice. I think she would have enjoyed it and sure must have liked seeing us all together. The flowers were beautiful and plenty, my brother did a great power point show with alot of pictures of her and family, I burned a few CD's with her favorite songs and my cousin and I both wrote and gave speeches (memories, life lessons, etc). I also did this at Pa's (my grandpa) funeral 8 years ago and they were two of the hardest things I've done. I wanted to honor them andn remember them but keeping my composure is a tough thing to do. I think i did alright, but i hope i never have to do that again (by losing someone).

It still is a very sad time for me and my family, but I know where she is, and i know she is back with Pa, and that makes me happy.
I've thought about posting what i wrote, but i might just make it a private entry. I hope she knows how much i miss her, and know we all are thinking of her. She was a wonderful lady.

And now, im back at work........meh.

I'll share more details later on her service, not so much for anyone else, but just so i have the memories locked up somewhere.
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