
NBA 2K vs. NBA Live

Posted 09-08-2009 at 01:27 PM by deepen03
Alright I know every year around this time there is always the usual live vs. 2k war going on and i just wanted to set the record straight so here is my final verdict:

And I'll admit, live has made strides. but the only thing is that these strides should have been made like 4 years ago. I mean they are now just adding features that have been in nba 2k since 2k5.

Lets just take a look at the cycle of next-gen for EA:

1. NBA Live 06: Completely stripped down version with only play now, season mode and practice mode. IGN review: 5.9
2. NBA Live 07: Added a few things, but still a bad game with framerate issues and glitches. IGN review: 6.0
3. NBA Live 08: Added some more minor stuff, but still a badly reviewed game. IGN: 6.9
4. NBA Live 09: Bring in Mike Wang and finally get some fundamental basketball features in the game. Was a solid basketball game but was still missing a lot: IGN: 6.5

Now lets look at 2k's cycle:
1. NBA 2k6: Ported over the ps2 version with every single feature and updated graphics and was as great as the ps2 version. IGN: 7.8
2. NBA 2k7: Just like 2k6, but with some better gameplay and more signature animations and shots,and slightly improved graphics. IGN: 8.3
3. NBA 2k8: Better overall, but not as good as 2k7, could be attributed to the departure of Mike Wang. IGN: 7.9
4. NBA 2k9: The best of the PS3/360 generation by far. Gamers had mixed reviews, but game sites gave it solid ratings across the board. IGN: 8.5.

So you tell me which is better. EA failed to break the 7/10 barrier, while 2k has had solid high 7's and mid 8's out of 10.

My main point of this is that if EA had gone 2k's route and ported nba live 06 from ps2 and xbox onto the 360, then NBA Live would be a much better game. If you recall, NBA Live was not that bad until EA stepped into the next-gen arena back in 2005.

2k ported the excellent ps2 version of nba 2k6 onto the 360 and it was the best sports game for the 360 launch.

So what do you think?
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