
NFL teams represented on Madden covers and every other video game in the last 30 yrs

Posted 05-06-2014 at 08:36 AM by DUDERMAN
This started as a post to see which teams were underrepresented on the Madden covers in the thread for the Madden 15 cover vote announcement. I ended up being curious about team representation beyond just Madden, so I decided to post an extended version of my post as this blog. Hope you all enjoy and let me know if I missed any cover players.

This is pretty long, skip to the end for the final tally or read just below for only the Madden information.

Teams represented
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How to fix online team play mode for Madden

Posted 03-13-2012 at 07:58 AM by DUDERMAN
[I recently wrote this in a thread but apparently nobody was interested enough in the mode to keep the thread alive. So instead of letting these ideas die out, I figure they can live on in blog form.]

I have been enjoying team play since the first time I played with a friend on the same system and the same team. It brings a great level of fun and cooperation not seen in other modes for me. Online team play is also fun but could definitely benefit from a couple of improvements....
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Theory: Jersey Number Size and Possible Solution

Posted 06-20-2011 at 04:10 PM by DUDERMAN
There has been much talk on the forum about wrong number sizes on jerseys. Why doesn't it look right?

I believe the problem stems from them not having a constant size. Meaning, the size of the number gets bigger or smaller depending on the height of the player.

In the real NFL, as far as I've seen, the number size does not change. So smaller players appear to have larger numbers due to the fact they take up more space on the smaller jersey. A great example of this is...
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