
NCAA Football 13 Player Models!?!

Posted 05-10-2012 at 01:23 PM by hoop xyience
This have been and eye sore for me in the last two installments of 11, 12, and the looks of it 13. This is why i never get excited about Pro Combat uniforms or alternate unis. The Player Models, Player Proportions, and FOOTBALL SIZE are way off!

Madden 12 seem to fix the uniform and player model combination were it looks like the players are wearing there uniforms, not uniforms wearing the players.

1. NCAA Football shoulder pad glitch, the numbers...
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Sports Gaming: Progression

Posted 09-20-2011 at 04:00 PM by hoop xyience
Updated 09-20-2011 at 08:58 PM by hoop xyience
What's up OS its xyience here with another topic, and if you haven't checked out my last blog Madden:Little big brothers" then go take a look and don't be afraid to comment, debate, etc...thanx..
On to the discussion..I'm going to do a brief intermission on the progress of the following titles NBA 2K, Madden NFL football, NCAA football, NBA live, MLB 2K..I don't have a ps3 at the moment so some would have to enlighten me on MLB THE SHOW..thanx

First up (NBA 2K)
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Comments 9 hoop xyience is offline

Madden: Little Big Brother

Posted 09-16-2011 at 12:52 PM by hoop xyience
Updated 09-19-2011 at 01:52 AM by hoop xyience
First off let me start this by saying madden 12 is a decent game, IMO the best football game on current Gen consoles only due to the weak ones before it such as M06-11. M10 is the only other one ill give benefit of the doubt.
Now on to the title. "LITTLE BIG BROTHER", is last Gen madden; which had more to offer in these categorys such as creativity, depth, complexity, detail, innovation, immersion, and interface. Now you have the "BIG LITTLE BROTHER" That 87% of the time...
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