
Next Gen Sporting

Posted 12-03-2013 at 04:16 PM by lnin0
Updated 12-03-2013 at 04:20 PM by lnin0
Now that "Next Gen" has gone from hype to reality we can start to asses its first foray into Sports gaming - a genre that curiously makes up a good block of the launch titles.

There is the stalwart entries from EA and 2K in the form of FIFA, Madden NFS and NBA along with the system defining racer, Forza, from Microsoft. Add in a new comer, or at least a comebacker, in NBA Live and finally the bite sized Powerstar Golf and you have a half dozen titles vying for our next...
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Shift 2 - Settings Guide

Posted 04-22-2011 at 11:19 PM by lnin0
I have been reading a lot of post on various forums about Shift 2's controls. While everyone can seem to agree that out of the box the game has issues, nobody can seem to agree how to fix it. In fact, I see a lot of people misrepresenting what the various settings even do. I found this write up from the devs. It's for Shift but all the same meaning apply to Shift 2. Hope this helps.

A quick definition is provided below to help determine what's good to touch or best-left unaltered.
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Shift 2 - Advanced Control Tweaks - 2nd Ed.

Posted 04-06-2011 at 12:51 PM by lnin0
Someone on the forums discovered that the Novice "steering assist" setting would reduce a lot of the so called sliding feeling.

I tinkered with this and came up with some revised settings.

Xbox 360 controller, running from 3rd person (behind car) view.

Steering Deadzone - 3%
Steering Sensitivity - 57%
Throttle Deadzone - 6%
Throttle Sensitivity - 77%
Brake Deadzone - 6%
Brake Sensitivity - 77%
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Shift 2 - Advanced Control Tweaks

Posted 04-04-2011 at 09:15 PM by lnin0
Updated 04-04-2011 at 09:27 PM by lnin0
I ran some side by side comparisons between Shift 2, Race Pro and Forza 3 using the same or similar cars and the same tracks. My goal was to come up with settings for Shift 2 which made it feel closer to Race Pro and Forza 3 - games I would argue as the best handling racers on the Xbox 360. I also wanted to keep changes global so I did not do any individual tuning of cars. After hours of back and forth testing I came to a conclusion and the settings below.

The conclusion is that...
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